
We praise God for the gift of children and prioritize their care and discipleship. Our goal is for children at FBC Hornbeck to surpass us in faith, knowledge, righteousness, fruitfulness, evangelistic zeal, and commitment to world evangelization. We join with parents to nurture the faith of the next generation in a God-centered, Christ-exalting, Bible-saturated environment.

Children’s Ministry is a fun, safe place where your children ages birth to grade 6 learn about God and the Bible. Your kids will experience engaging, age-appropriate lessons each week that teach them about the Bible and what it means to follow Jesus. Through songs, games, interactive activities, and hands-on discovery, children learn how to apply the truth of the Bible to their daily lives. And, they’ll have a whole lot of fun all along the way!

Sunday School

Sunday School is the foundation of the Children's Ministry. It is a time each Sunday Morning that the children are taught the Bible truths that are vital in their young lives.

On Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m., children from 3 years old to 6th grade meet for classes that are tailored for their own age groups.


Mission Friends

Preschool is an exciting time in a child's life, where they develop an understanding of who God is and how they play a part in His plan for the world. That's why we created Mission Friends — to provide preschoolers the building blocks of faith and teach them of God's love for all people.

Through engaging activities, games and stories each week, Mission Friends will move from a focus on self to a focus on others. This builds a lasting foundation that helps them grow into the next generation of Christ followers who will fulfill His Great Commission.

We meet Wednesdays at 6:00 PM


Royal Ambassadors

Royal Ambassadors (RA) is an exciting and fun-filled missions education organization for boys in grades 1–6.

Through RA, boys gain a greater understanding of God's work in the world and how they can join Him in His work. RAs learn about the world, pray for the world, and learn how they can be used to tell others about God's Son, Jesus. Royal Ambassadors seek to share the truth that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

We meet Wednesdays at 6:00 PM


Girls in Action

Girls in Action is designed to help girls in grades 1 through 6 come to faith in Christ as Savior, while making missions an important part of their daily lives. They learn what it means to live a missional lifestyle while they participate in Bible study, missions projects and engaging activities. The Girls in Action motto is “Go Forward!” and GAs do just that — they grow closer to God as they discover their part in His plan and they practice what they’re learning through hands-on missions opportunities. Their experiences lead to a lifelong commitment to Christ, His mission and His church.

We meet Wednesdays at 6:00 PM